1965-02-16 – 1963-04-21 – Couple Composite Reading – Rising Sign: Unknown

1965-02-16 - 1963-04-21 - couple composite chart

Tuesday, February 16, 1965 12:00:00 PM
Unknown birth time.
Unknown birth city, Unknown birth state
Time Zone: 00:00 (UT)
Longitude: 000° W 00′
Latitude: 00° N 00′

Sunday, April 21, 1963 12:00:00 PM
Unknown birth time.
Unknown birth city, Unknown birth state
Time Zone: 00:00 (UT)
Longitude: 000° W 00′
Latitude: 00° N 00′


Each of us has a personal birth chart that records where the planets were at the time when we were born. As long as we are lone individuals, we are stuck with that chart. The placements and aspects of our natal birth chart will define our potential as individuals for the rest of our lives. Furthermore, the possible aspects and possible alignments of the planets in our birth chart are limited by where the planets actually were around the time when we were born. It is not possible to have Jupiter conjunct Saturn in our birth charts when Jupiter and Saturn were on opposite sides of the solar system.

All of those limitations disappear when it comes to the composite chart between two people. Through the magic of two people’s charts coming together and combining, almost any combination, almost any destiny, is possible. By unifying with another person, the two of you can have a greater capacity to channel the planetary energies in a desired direction than was possible for either one of you alone. The two of you do have to submerge your individual egos to the extent necessary to form a partnership, but as long as the two of you remain linked as partners in that team, the planetary energies of its composite chart are at the disposal of both of you.

We may think that we are in charge when it comes to selecting another person to be our mate, but I am not so sure that is always the case. Some composite charts have so many synchronicities, so many close alignments of multiple planets, that they appear to be alchemical experiments orchestrated by Fate from the Other Side. In particular, I have seen these close linkages in the composite charts of certain couples whose lives have received intense media exposure, as if the lives of these couples were meant to be teaching tools.

The composite chart of Prince Charles and Princess Diana is a perfect example of a composite chart that featured multiple exact planet linkages. Two planets are at 5 degrees, two planets are at 16 degrees, two planets are at 17 degrees, almost conjunct the Midheaven at 18 degrees, four planets are at 26 degrees and the remaining planet is at 27 degrees. These linkages channeled the couple’s behavior during their short marriage to an extreme degree. The composite charts of the former President of Argentina, Juan Perón, with his two successive wives, Evita and Isabel, show such striking similarities that the astrologer must conclude that Juan Perón was truly a Man of Destiny.

I have also seen in composite charts between members of the same family some very interesting chart patterns that repeat or alternate, indicating that these souls were brought together in order to work on similar life lessons.

You may or may not have amazingly synchronized linkages with your partner, but you can be sure that you picked each other because subconsciously you detected that the interaction between the two of you had an interesting quality to it. You felt like what was created when the two of you came together was something larger than yourself, was something that provided room for you to grow, and finally was a direction in which you wanted to grow.

The interpretations that follow of the planetary placements and aspects in the composite chart for you and your partner will describe the nature of the relationship environment in which you and your partner have your being. It should not come as a big surprise to you, since you have actually been living the life that it describes, but it should help you to be more conscious about your relationship and it may validate some of your unconscious perceptions. Some placements and aspects are mostly harmonious – you know that you have support in those areas. Other placements and aspects challenge you to work and try harder to get the desired response – these are actually the growth opportunities that attracted you to this relationship. If your relationship ever became ‘perfect’ you would quickly get bored and would want more challenge. That is just part of human nature. We want to feel needed and we want to keep growing.
Combined Planets in the Houses

Sun in the Tenth House

A sense of destiny pervades your pairing. It is not that you feel you have entered into a zone of déjà vu, but more that fate has introduced you in order to accomplish a definite purpose. Even if your relationship is not new but cements a familiar partnership, you will feel the anticipation and excitement of something “different” that puts success within your reach.

Your association will probably encourage you to combine careers since, as a team, you project the image that you are a power to be reckoned with. This will be most evident if you come to the attention of the public in some manner.

If yours is not a love connection, you will still bond with warm personal feelings. In disputes, take care not to disturb your stability, but you should not ignore any real emotional differences or problems.

You will undoubtedly complete whatever project you begin. Each time, you will have the enormous satisfaction of attaining mutual achievement to boost your appreciation of your valuable alliance.
Moon in the Twelfth House

With this placement, you are capable of being true soul mates – it depends on your honesty and ability as individuals to let yourselves be vulnerable. If neither of you is hiding from the other, you can be true partners.

Consider a retreat in which you can settle down, relax and take a second look at the issues that bother you the most. Complete repose may let you discover hidden depths of yourself in a period of meditation and reflections that challenge you to find the true meaning of your pairing. As a couple, you may wish to join a group of soul-seekers in an effort to raise your consciousness above the mundane matters that weigh you down.

The most significant minus in your relationship is that you may not feel like doing any or all of the above. Low self-esteem may prevent you from being honest with each other; next to impossible if you do not first submit to an honest assessment of who you are as individuals.

On a broader scale, the discomfort that you feel in a personal relationship can be disastrous in a business venture when harmony and trust figure into your success equation. Then, there is an inherent need for a realistic appraisal of what you can expect of your union. Can you accept that what you fantasize may not agree with its true potential?
Mercury in the Tenth House

By now, you should think you know what you want and how to achieve it. A partnership may somehow enhance your chances of getting it! However, even if you had a set of personal goals before forming your liaison, you may change your ideas and elevate your sights when you invite the views of others.

Certainly, your team will experience a mutual growth even if one of you provides building blocks that the other will use as stepping stones to gain the spotlight of success.

It is entirely possible that you will receive the notice of the public, for you enjoy the attention of others. This is not to say that every road will be an easy one, but through careful planning, you should be able to put your heads together and take the right direction towards your objectives.

One of the great benefits of your pairing, either for romance or for business, is that every day will seem like a new day. Each achievement will inspire you to expand your potential further. You are truly blessed and you know it – which often makes you popular role models. Given a little encouragement, you will share your accomplishments by advising enthusiastically to “Go and do likewise.”
Venus in the Eleventh House

It is almost as though you have come together to fulfill each other’s dreams. Others are well aware of your perfect pairing.

You complement each other and are gracious hosts in any gathering you plan. You are a “golden” couple and are welcome guests when you attend the many functions to which you are invited.

As business partners, you are usually in sync, maintaining a balance as a team that helps to eliminate confusion in every-day decisions. It is nearly unthinkable that either of you would do anything to undermine the trust you have in your partner. You respect each other too much to damage your relationship with underhanded tactics.

Such faith allows you to be yourself even if you differ greatly from your partner. You are not, after all, clones of each other, but are entitled to your own opinions and the manner in which you live your life. This kind of understanding does not leave much room for jealousies or suspicions that sometimes invade an otherwise happy pairing.

Never question that your love for each other and the success you can achieve is too good to be true. You have found and can sustain the real thing.

The second half of this report will give the meaning of any aspects that exist in the composite chart involving Venus. You must combine this house placement interpretation with those Venus aspect interpretations, as they will modulate the planet’s expression in this house.
Mars in the Ninth House

Development of your individual philosophies within the structure of your partnership is paramount for your team. If your philosophies are like-minded, you are bound to mesh well.

You have an enthusiasm to learn and expand your ideas that often draws you into travel or contact with exotic places. If you do not already have international or exotic backgrounds, your pairing will tend to lead you in this direction. You may convince others of the validity of your ideas, but patience is not your greatest strength. Learn to listen as well as to talk. Otherwise, personal pride may turn beneficial discussions into arguments.

Treading on toes in either a business or a personal climate can provoke misunderstandings. You may long for home where you understand basic rules and are sure of agreement. Nevertheless, there you will be as far from your goals as you were when expectations were still high.

You may find it necessary to be nontraditional in your relationship, switching traditional male and female roles or allowing unusual freedom. This may not agree with how you were raised or what you expected to find in a relationship. Accept that both of you have unique minds and enjoy challenges. Figure out the roles in your relationship that will allow each of you to do what he or she does best.
Jupiter in the Tenth House

Although you stand an excellent chance of achieving the high goals you have set, be careful that others do not see you as expecting too much too soon. There is no room for duplicities or cover-ups here. While you may achieve fame as well as fortune, you must also be prepared for the notoriety that often accompanies it – there are few places where you can hide that bright light of yours under a bushel.

Though you find life at the top fits as naturally as the hard work that put you there, don’t let any adulation that follows go to your head. The dizziness of your accomplishments can fill you with an enthusiasm that others may interpret as a form of braggadocio, making you hard to live with. If recognition is due your partner, be sure that you give credit for at least half of your success. If you include and bolster each other in your plans, your zeal will rub off and send you soaring to new heights. Consider that, as you gain the spotlight, others are watching. Negative impressions will be hard to undo. It is up to you to create your own image. You can do it and do it well!
Saturn in the Ninth House

A benefit of this relationship is the constructive criticism that you give to each other. You could love the other for helping you to grow into your mature self. You feel like stretching your capabilities. You could both pleasantly surprise your doubting parents. Your relationship probably involves a lot of worldly activity, perhaps to do with traveling, the outdoors, sports, the arts, publishing, or the law. It is healthier for the relationship if you do these things together, but at least the relationship should not stifle or restrict you from engaging in such activities on your own. The main conflict in this generally positive placement is that between freedom and control. However, we find that balance as we mature, and this placement is all about maturation.
Uranus in the Third House

An element of rebellion could have brought you together – a determination to do your own thing, despite what your relatives want. The attraction could have been immediate. You were attracted to each other’s charisma. The relationship is mentally stimulating, liberating, and emancipating for you, such as in outgrowing repressive expectations from your youth. The placement helps to keep you from getting bored with each other.
Neptune in the Fifth House

This is a positive placement for Neptune. You have a loving connection with each other. You had a romantic courtship. You sense each other’s moods and are there if comfort is needed. You make each other laugh. You can talk for hours about everything. You are optimistic about your future together.
Pluto in the Third House

This placement refines and deepens your thoughts and activities. It can make you active in community affairs or politics. You may have unconventional or radical views on social reform. You are good at seeing and telling the candid truth about yourselves. You are clear about each other’s roles. Continual trips or business could both enliven your relationship and put a strain on it. Fighting actually clears the air between you, after which you quickly make up. Nevertheless, watch out for a tendency to needle each other. You can defuse the anger and preserve your relationship by maintaining your love life with each other. This is one of the better placements for a relationship. You deepen your minds by exploring intellectual or future-related subjects together. You could both contribute your time and energy to charitable activities.
Planets in Aspect

Moon square Pluto (Strength: 5.53)

By hook or by crook, this relationship will help trim away the worst of your bad emotional habits and laziness. It will be an incredible growth experience. You may have to go through some pain, but at the end of it, you will be tough, not childishly feeling sorry for yourself. You will have encountered the deep forces that make the world go around and possibly learned to align yourself with them. Not only can this composite aspect help to clean you out, but also if you stick with it then together you will become fearless and have wisdom beyond your years.

You see in each other the potential for a deep emotional connection and you seek to access the power inherent in that depth of experience. There is likely a deep urge to lose yourself in your partner without losing your own sense of control or of self. You want to dive into the relationship, but you are still afraid of the potential death of your own individuality. This creates a power struggle within you as well as within your relationship that will involve a lot of negative emotions and energies, including a tendency to try to dominate one or the other of you.

If there is a lot of love between you in an intimate relationship, then you will have to relate to each other without trying to manipulate or control. The depth of feelings present in your relationship can be seen as fated in nature. The psychological and emotional energies between you are so intense that you may only be able to handle them for so many years. But echoing Ecclesiastes, to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

Use this relationship to work on yourself, rather than on your partner. Give each other breathing room, as this is an intense process and there will be much healing going on. Feel free to ask for help in your process. A therapist can be valuable as a guide. Also ask for guidance from spiritual light sources such as guardian angels, spirit guides, or whatever feels right to you, as a balance against any dark energies that come up. Through this process, you can learn to balance and control some of the powerful energies and emotions that previously were too much for you to handle. As you do this, you will each grow and become better human beings.
Venus trine Pluto (Strength: 5.12)

The power of love flows between you. Yours is a powerful relationship filled with intense emotions. You love each other deeply, but more than that you love the emotion itself. Together you bask in the feelings of giving and receiving love. You feel immersed and wallow in the beautiful intensity of your feelings for each other. This is a spiritual connection that you express in a very physical way. You come together as one being, and the love that you feel for each other is more transcendent and regenerative than most human love. It is a vehicle for transformation as you intuitively feel the spiritual depth and connection with your partner.

The primary way that you express your love for each other is through the power of physical sex. The sensual pleasure involved and the powerful orgasmic release touch you at a deep psychological level. This relationship helps to give you the strength to contact your deepest, hidden emotions. Sex is a process of two people merging physically and emotionally in a single relationship. It is a process that appeals to your sensibilities and need for deep connection with each other in your relationship. Your sexual relationship may help you to cleanse your inner relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.

In your relationship, you both start out strong with simple needs. You confront challenges bravely. Without healthy challenges in your life, this aspect could awaken a dark side of self-indulgence. Pluto does get you in touch with your deepest, darkest sorrows and pain, showing you as much truth as you can handle. Try to be patient and loving when your partner is dealing with core issues.

You recognize the importance of the inherent spiritual nature of the physical world for fulfilling desires. You have a powerful desire nature that is based on this process – you will be able to manifest what you want because you see yourself as bonded with the object of your desire. You have an ability to psychologically and psychically connect with what you desire, thus drawing whatever you seek rather easily to you. This works in business as well as other types of relationships. Strong desires combined with the power of an intense love such as yours can produce magical results. You have the ability to create through the power of love.
Sun in a quintile aspect to Moon (Strength: 3.81)

You are deeply compatible with each other in a balanced and very comfortable way. Your relationship seems to flow quite naturally as you alternate with each other between being active and passive, energetically creative and quietly nurturing. Your emotional nature supports your creative will, giving your life together a solid sense of completeness. The only danger here is that you feel so complete within your relationship that you do not really apply yourself to goals outside of your union. You might feel that your partner already offers everything you need for a very satisfying life.

There is a creative balance between you, a balance that is reminiscent of the archetypal connection between Sun and Moon. This connection can make your partnership very egalitarian, and this equality will allow each of you to easily grow and evolve within your relationship. You will tend to alternate roles without a lot of ego involvement, taking turns being in the lead in your relationship. Communication between you will likely be very good. Your emotional nature harmoniously connects with your intellect, giving you the ability to share your ideas and feelings with ease. In addition, the overall compatibility of this aspect creates a heightened sexual attraction between you. The two of you are complements to each other, and sex is a very powerful and intimate means of expressing that innate connection. Sex will likely give both of you deep emotional satisfaction, and deepen your love for each other.
Moon square Uranus (Strength: 3.08)

You could have an exciting if volatile relationship where the two of you push new boundaries and enjoy a sense of freedom together. This aspect enhances your individualism, which could mean that you lead parallel lives, each pursuing individual projects and activities. However, with work there can be a tremendous amount of emotional growth for both of you.

An intense attraction will likely bring you together. You will learn a lot about yourselves through this contact. Things may rather suddenly and, often unexpectedly, fall apart as you are pulled in new directions. Friendships and brief love affairs are more suitable for the instability of this erratic flow of energy than are committed relationships. In addition, friends and acquaintances are more important to this type of connection, and this can add more instability to the traditional ideal of a one-to-one personal relationship.

You are searching for the meaning of life, and this could constantly pull each of you in different directions. If you can let go of all preconceived ideas about relationships, then your union promises to teach you much about how to live life more purely and with a free spirit. But this will take work on your part. You will need to keep your egos in check and resist the temptation to control what is happening between you. This aspect demands total freedom of emotional expression. You will each experience your own emotional sensitivity and even neediness. The goal is to work on yourself rather than trying to control the other. Learn how to allow life to flow through you without expectations. Meditation and other spiritual practices can help you tremendously, by helping to establish an inner source of love and stability. This can help dissolve any neediness that you might feel, allowing for a greater sense of freedom within yourself as well as in your relationship.
Sun in harmonious aspect to Saturn (Strength: 2.89)

Your relationship is rather serious – it is focused more on accomplishment than it is on romantic concerns. There is something important and meaningful in your relationship, and you respect and value your partner. You are not very demonstrative with the expression of your emotions. Your emotional connection is quiet, expressed more through your dedication to each other, your dependability and steadfastness, and your deep commitment to your relationship and to each other. You feel very loving towards and loyal to each other in a quiet and private way. You see relationships as the basis of a healthy family, which in turn provide the basis for a healthy society. You are committed to your relationship and you work hard to build structure into it and create a secure life together. The structure within your relationship enables you to help society by extending support to others.

The one problem that you might experience is that your serious approach can become overbearing and too heavy for you. You might become too timid and pull back from experimenting with something new for the two of you, or you may become too rigid thereby limiting the life energy of your relationship. It can be enlivening for your relationship to schedule in some recreation time for the two of you, even if you focus it on learning rather than on romance.

Your relationship has an enduring stability. You are together for the long run and you bring a certain dignity and maturity to your relationship that inspires the admiration of others. You will each learn much about yourselves and about each other through this partnership. You will grow and mature throughout the duration of your relationship.
Venus opposite Neptune (Strength: 1.81)

This could be one of those storybook romances. You are both risk-takers. Each of you supports and encourages the other at those times when doubts assail them. That could be because you have the keen vision to see your partner’s true potential before the rest of the world does. If life can be compared to a boxing match, you are definitely in your partner’s corner offering support.

Your relationship promises tremendous potential for spiritual growth. In the beginning, you approached each other with very highly idealized and romantic feelings. You seem so perfect together that you feel like you have met your soul mate. There is a spiritual element to your connection that excites you, but that can have negative consequences. You will inevitably be severely disappointed when the fantasy fades and your dreams abruptly end.

Your fantasies about your relationship are showing you the potential of what can be, not what is. Nevertheless, within fantasy and dreams, there does lie a kernel of spiritual truth, and it is your task within your relationship to bring that truth out and apply it to your physical and mundane relationship. Learn to let go of unrealistic expectations, perhaps a little at a time, so that the spiritual element can grow. Your romantic fantasies are just creations that express the spiritual desires within you. As those spiritual desires grow within your real life, your fantasy creations then no longer are required. You might find that you are in a truly beautiful relationship that will work for you on the mundane level as well as in the ideal world.
Mars trine Neptune (Strength: 1.63)

This relationship provides the opportunity to be of service to your partner. The more your partner needs you, the more satisfying you will find it. But this aspect also makes the relationship unconventional – if you try to force it to be conventional and boring, then that could be the end of the relationship. You aspire to have a romantic, ideal life with your partner.

Your relationship can be a very spiritual union. You have an ability to make your dreams come true in an easy and relaxed way. You can apply your energies to a higher plane where ideals and dreams can be made very real. As you work and play together, you will likely gain many valuable insights regarding the nature of life and of your relationship. With this relationship, you glimpse the spiritual all around you, and you choose to live your life from that ideal higher state. This can include your sexual life – you might consider sex too mundane for the life that you have chosen to live. You might also approach your sexual interaction in a more refined and spiritual way, making it an ideal in itself. Sex was highly revered in antiquity, and there are those who see it as very spiritual today. Adding tantric practices to your sex life can help you find a balance between the spiritual and physical expression of your love for each other.

The planet Neptune in this composite aspect can also fog your mind and make you unclear about your relationship and what you wish to accomplish together. There can then be misunderstandings that get in the way of your joint activities – you can create foggy goals. You may have little or no ability to pay attention to the practical aspects of making your relationship work. To counter this, you must be very clear in your communication with each other concerning what you wish to do together. Meditation can help you to deepen your spiritual objectives while living in a real world relationship with each other.

If yours is a professional relationship, your natural talents lie in the creative arts, where your ideas will be welcomed. You could excel in any areas where you can apply your idealistic insights in order to help others. You can also teach what comes naturally to you, and this includes how to manifest your dreams.
Sun conjunct Mercury (Strength: 1.17)

There is no problem with communication between you, at least on the intellectual level. It is a pleasure to talk to each other and share ideas. You tend to think along the same lines, and you find it easy to understand one another. This is a very good connection for whatever type of relationship that you have, precisely because a relationship is based on relating. In a business relationship, you will not be hampered by a lack of communication in which the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. You will tend to be in constant communication with each other, in order to help your business thrive. If yours is an intimate relationship, you will enjoy talking for hours on end with each other, which will help to create a more lasting bond between you. One reminder though: this aspect does not indicate emotional communication or the sharing of feelings. If you shy away from talking about feelings, and tend to stay on the intellectual, rational level of communication, you can take this opportunity to push yourself to communicate at least a little from your emotions. The benefits can be tremendous.

Mercury indicates travel as well as communication, and you will likely enjoy doing things together that require going places, such as shopping and short day trips to explore new horizons, or to enjoy tried and true getaways. In addition, you will enjoy traveling intellectually. You will explore new ideas with each other in order to keep your minds sharp and to learn new things. This aspect will help keep your relationship on the move intellectually.
Uranus conjunct Pluto (Strength: 0.60)

This energy appears in the charts of all people who were born in the mid-1960’s. The aspect gives you a restless, frenetic energy. It makes you hyperactive. You want to be on the forefront of the new and different. You seek out friends and collaborators with the same interest in the future. Your minds spout ideas like fountains. It definitely makes you optimists. Only you can decide if this is what you want your life to be about. The energies are not that consistent with a quiet life of having children and raising a family. But if you look at this relationship as an opportunity to grow and to learn, you can stretch it out and make the most of it for as long as you want.
Uranus in a quintile aspect to Neptune (Strength: 0.47)

You have the ability to appreciate the quirky, out-of-the-way, and unusual. You could be quite creative with music, poetry, and art, recombining elements in ways that give people new perspectives. Your ideal life is lived relatively free of rules and restrictions. This aspect does not give much structure to your life – you need to balance your mental, creative life with real-world needs, activities, and causes. Connections that give your life real meaning will make you happier than sitting on the couch playing video games.
Sun conjunct Mars (Strength: 0.42)

This is a connection filled with a good deal of energy, creativity and potential accomplishment. This energy can stimulate you in either direction, though, towards achieving common goals, or in ways that are more negative. Working together, you will find it easy to initiate new projects, and you will have more than enough energy to finish them. Your relationship is not about quiet relaxation or retiring from the concerns of the world. It is about doing things and being active together. If you approach your relationship from this perspective, it can teach you about the creative potential of your union. You can choose to become active in your community and this is an excellent opportunity for you to achieve results as a team.

The only danger inherent in this connection is that this energy seeks active expression. It is not docile or calm. Especially if this aspect is close and strong, where Mars is within one degree of the Sun, it can create a dynamic of competitiveness with each other, and if you are not careful this can lead to anger, arguments and even fights. Both of these planets are masculine in nature and relate to the ego in different ways, creating a situation where you can approach each other like two rams butting heads. How you deal with this will affect the quality of your relationship. Because of the nature of these energies, it would not be wise to try to repress anger as it comes up. It will just build up until it boils over into outright fights. When anger and arguments do arise, remember to stay focused on the issues and do not fall into personal attacks such as name calling or belittling the other. Remember that each of you are adults and have important and valid information that you bring to the relationship. Fighting can then become part of your creative process. It clears the air between you and allows each of you to learn from the other in order to grow in your relationship.

You need to put the energies of your relationship to good use. Rest can be good, but in your case, too much rest creates an itch to get up and do something. You need to engage in a good amount of activity in order to channel your energy into safe and productive forms of expression. Exercise and sports is an excellent expression of this energy. A strong sexual attraction between intimate partners also allows for the creative and pleasurable expression of energy. Be supportive of each other and actively reinforce each other to grow and express your creativity. You will both be active people. Reinforce each other to become bolder and more courageous in the way that you live. Whatever the nature of your relationship, it will be lively. As you learn to control and channel the energy of this connection, you will find that your relationship will become more creative and productive.